مؤسسة الفهد

لتجهيزات الفنادق والقري السياحية

خطوط الطهي (غاز -- كهرباء)
المعدات اللازمة لإعداد الجارد مانجية
المعجنات ومعدات الخبز والبيتزا
الغرف الباردة والتجميد
ثلاجات حفظ وعرض الرأسي والأفقي
غسل الأكواب والأطباق
تصنيف المنتجات
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IN N OVA is a dynamic company specialized in designing, constructing and commercializing ice-cream making machines. I N N O V A is launching itself towards the future by continuing research and development, by focusing on the the technology and high qualitative standards of its products. After the success encountered in 2006 with the soft HOOP, Innova presents the new range of machines for ice-cream manufacturers. Innova is a dynamic future-oriented company offering machines that feature high precision, and the best of Italian design and state-of-the-art technology. Full dedication to the job, from the design stage throughout the entirely in-house production process, is a guarantee of high reliability and great performance.

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